Table of Contents

Server Projects

Get rewarded for helping us build this community! You can find currently available server projects at the bulletin board by spawn.

Once you, or you and your friends take on a project, be sure to message AnarchyOf5 on Discord. I'll make sure the board is updated and will also be the one to reward you with Pixpaper. Pixpaper is a voucher based currency that you can store in the bank, or use to get items, gear, and more at the admin shops in the main spawn castle. Obviously, we will be offering a range based on how much effort you put into your work.

If you have something that needs done, you can advertise it on the main bulletin board at spawn. Staff makes sure the barrels are stocked with signs. This area offers a cool way to offer payment or barter with other player's for services. We want the player base to be engaged with each other and make awesome stuff!

Current Staff Projects

Current Community Projects