====== How to install MoreLore on your own Server ====== **Update: 30 Sep 2023 - THIS PAGE IS OUTDATED (But still works). A proper server pack is available now on Curseforge. Due to some mod resolution issues, and having to open a new support ticket every time, I do not update the server pack for every release.** Eventually I plan to release a proper server pack, but until then use these steps to get up and running. ===== Fabric Server Installer ===== - Create an empty folder to hold your pack (you can name it whatever you like) - Download the latest Fabric server installer following the instructions [[https://fabricmc.net/use/server/|here]]. You will receive a .jar file after you are finished. This file is the one you need to start your modded MoreLore server instance. Place this file in your newly created folder. - Fortunately, MoreLore mods all work (or disable themselves as they should) in a server pack. So all you need to do is create a local client instance using your favorite launcher i.e. Curseforge, ATLauncher etc. - Copy over the following folders from the client instance, into your newly created server folder: * mods * config * kubejs ===== Start and Stop Script ===== To automate the process of starting and stopping your server, you can use the following bash code as a reference. If you are hosting this on a dedicated Linux server, I recommend using either ''screen'' or ''tmux'' to run the game in the background. This will allow you to ssh in and attach/detach from the current game session without the server shutting down. #!/bin/sh # More Lore Enhanced Vanilla Server Startup Script # Edit the below values to change JVM Arguments or Allocated RAM for the server: ALLOCATED_RAM="8G" JVM_ARGUMENTS="-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:G1NewSizePercent=50 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=80 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=50 -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch" FILE="./fabric-server-mc.1.19.2-loader.0.14.17-launcher.0.11.2.jar" # Start server. echo "Starting MoreLore Server." java -jar -Xms${ALLOCATED_RAM} -Xmx${ALLOCATED_RAM} ${JVM_ARGUMENTS} ${FILE} nogui echo "Server shutting down on $(date)." You can save this code into a file named whatever you want with a ''.sh'' extension. Make sure to make it executable using the following command (on Linux) chmod +x YourFile.sh After that you are good to go! Keep in mind that if you run this is an active shell, the server will stop when you close that shell/terminal. As mentioned above, you can use the GNU Screen utility to create a specific "virtual terminal session" using something like this: screen -S Minecraft This will create a new session called minecraft and pop you in it. Then run shell script to start the server: ./YourFile.sh As it boots up, you can "detach" from the running session using ''Control + A + D'' To return to you session in the future you can use: screen -R Minecraft If everything goes smooth, you should now have a working MoreLore server to play on with your friends! Congratulations.