====== Mod List ====== **This page is no longer maintained!** [[https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/more-lore/relations/dependencies|See updated list here]] Version 1.0.15 contains 241 Mods / Resource Packs: * Additional Additions * Additional Structures * Advanced Netherite * Advancement Plaques * AdventureZ * AmbientSounds * Amecs * Angling * Animal Feeding Trough * AppleSkin * Applied Energistics 2 * Architect's Palette [Fabric] * Architectury API * Artifacts * AttributeFix * Awesome Dungeon Nether edition - Fabric * Awesome Dungeon Ocean edition - Fabric * BCLib * Balm * Bedspreads * Beneath the Wetlands * Better Enderman * Better Fps - Render Distance[Fabric] * Better Mount HUD * Better Ping Display [Fabric] * Better Potions * Better Villages - Fabric * Better stations * BetterEnd * BetterF3 * Biome Particle Weather * Blockus * Bookshelf * Bountiful (Fabric) * CIT Resewn * CameraOverhaul * Carrier * Cardinal Components API * Chalk (Fabric) * Charm of Undying * Chat Heads * Chef's Delight * Chimes * Chiseled Bricks * Chisels & Bits - For Fabric * Chunk Sending[Forge/Fabric] * Chunky * Cloth Config API * Clumps * Collective * Comforts * Continuity * Controlling * CorgiLib * Crafting Tweaks (Fabric Edition) * Crawl * Create Fabric * CreativeCore * Creeper Overhaul * Critters and Companions * Cultural Delights [Fabric] * Cupboard * Cycle Paintings * Damage Tilt * Death Counter * DeathLog * Decorative Blocks * Detail Armor Bar * Disable Custom Worlds Advice * Do a Barrel Roll * DragonLoot * Dusk[Forge/Fabric] * Dynamic FPS * Easy Magic * Eating Animation * Enchanting Infuser * Enchantment Descriptions * Ender Dragon Revamp * Entity Culling * Equipment Compare * Explorify * Fabric API * Fabric Language Kotlin * Fabric Language Scala * Falling Leaves (Fabric) * Fancy Boss Bars * FancyMenu * Farmer's Delight [Fabric] * Farsight [Fabric] * FerriteCore * Forge Config API Port * Framework (Fabric) * Friends&Foes (Fabric) * Geckolib * Goblin Traders (Fabric) * Grim's Transportables * Guard Villagers (Fabric/Quilt) * Harvest Scythes * Hopo Better Ruined Portals * Iceberg * Illager Expansion [Rematch] * Illuminations * Immersive Aircraft * Immersive Armors * Immersive Paintings * Immersive Weathering * Incendium * Indium * Infusion Table * Ingredient Extension API * Inmis * InmisAddon * Inventory HUD+ * Iris Shaders * Iron Chests * It Takes a Pillage (Fabric) * Kambrik * KleeSlabs (Fabric Edition) * Konkrete * Krypton * KubeJS * Legendary Tooltips * Liberty's Villagers * Library Ferret - Fabric * Lithium * MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures * MaLiLib * Macaw's Bridges * Macaw's Doors * Macaw's Fences and Walls * Macaw's Lights and Lamps * Macaw's Paintings * Macaw's Trapdoors * Mandala's GUI - Dark mode * Manure * MidnightLib * Mighty Mail (Fabric) * Mob Catcher [FABRIC/FORGE] * Mob Scarecrows * Mod Menu * Moonlight Lib * More Mob Variants * More Totems of Undying * More Villagers [Fabric] * Mouse Tweaks * Mouse Wheelie * Naturalist * Nature's Compass * Nether Chest * Nether's Delight (Fabric) * Not Enough Animations * Nyctophobia (FABRIC) * Open Parties and Claims * OstOverhaul * Oxidized * Philips Ruins * Piercing Paxels * Presence Footsteps * Prism * Public Gui Announcement * Puzzles Lib * Pyrotastic 🎆 * Quartz Elevator * Reborn Core * Reese's Sodium Options * Refined Armor * Regions Unexplored * Repair Kit * Replanter * Resourceful Config * Rhino * Rotten Creatures * Roughly Enough Items (REI) * RpgDifficulty * Server Performance - Smooth Chunk Save[Forge/Fabric] * Server Translation API * Shoppy * Shoulder Surfing Reloaded * Simple Copper Pipes * Sky Villages * Smooth Swapping * Sodium * Sodium Extra * Sound Physics Remastered * Spirit Walker * Spyglass Improvements * Starlight (Fabric) * Stefan's Enchanted Books * Storage Labels * Structory * Structory: Towers * Structure Essentials[Forge/Fabric] * Supplementaries * Tech Reborn * TerraBlender * Terralith * The Graveyard (FABRIC) * ThonkUtil * Tissou's Zombie Pack * Tool Stats * ToolTipFix * Towns and Towers * Trade Cycling * Trading Post * TrashSlot (Fabric Edition) * Trinkets * Unstructured [Fabric/Forge] * Villagers Drop Emeralds on Death * VillagersPlus (FABRIC) * Visual Workbench * Visuality * WTHIT * War Hammers * Warden Tools * Warrior Rage * Waystones (Fabric Edition) * Xaero's Minimap * Xaero's World Map * YUNG's API * YUNG's Better Desert Temples * YUNG's Better Dungeons * YUNG's Better Mineshafts * YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses * YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments * YUNG's Better Strongholds * YUNG's Better Witch Huts * YUNG's Bridges * YUNG's Extras * You're in Grave Danger * You've Goat to be Kidding Me * [ETF] Entity Texture Features * bad packets * megane * oωo (owo-lib) * spark * xali's Bushy Leaves * xali's Enchanted Books * xali's Enhanced Biomes: River & Pond * xali's Enhanced Vanilla